The Ademola Adeleke Transition Committee has warned landlords in Osun state to collect outstanding rents from government agencies before the November 27 hand over date.
It also called on the governor not to ruin what remains of Osun economy by his administration’s refusal to settle rent debt across the agencies. There should be a limit to organised plot to bankrupt Osun economy.
A statement signed by Adeleke’s spokesman, Olawale Rasheed, indicated that the warning is coming amidst reliable reports that many agencies of government have refused to pay accumulated rents because their chief executives have diverted budgeted funds.
The statement said: “The report further indicated that the fraudulent practice is so widespread that landlords are mounting pressure on Governor Oyetola, his commissioners and heads of agencies to pay up before November 27th.
“Rather than pay up especially when the fund were duly appropriated, the Oyetola administration is reported to be reassuring the landlords that government is a continuum and that the incoming government will settle the bill.
“Our checks showed that the outstanding debt on rented apartments runs into several millions of naira
“It has therefore become necessary to call on landlords and real estate practitioners to ensure the Oyetola government settle outstanding rent debt before the end of his tenure.
“For the avoidance of doubt, the incoming Adeleke administration will not be responsible for any unpaid rent debt especially when available evidence confirmed that the budgeted fund have been diverted into private pocket by officials of the outgoing administration.”